What Junk Food Resembles My Baby's Size at 5 Weeks Pregnant


If you lot're totally bored by the calendar week-past-week infant size comparisons to fruit and vegetables you come across everywhere else, we got you. Here are your xl weeks of totally-relatable infant comparisons that will give you lot #pregnancygoals.

Infant at iv Weeks


Your Babe is the Size Of a Spec of Glitter

A lot of women don't discover they're pregnant until around vi weeks (unless yous're tracking your cycle with an app—and then go you, girl!), so it's pretty plausible that you lot're still going out as normal with friends at four weeks—blissfully ignorant of your big news. If you wake upward the side by side morning with a spec of glitter leftover from final night's eye shadow, don't just wash it abroad. Why? That's about the size of your tiny, tiny embryo at week four. For reference that'south 0.014 to 0.04 inches in length and not quite 0.04 ounces. And wow, the best part? The pregnancy political party's simply getting started.



Baby at 5 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of the Center Button On Instagram

While it might experience too before long to announce your pregnancy to the masses (most prefer to wait until farther into your first trimester), you lot may be daydreaming about the huge drove of 'likes' you're going to create when your friend-and-family unit fan-base knows about your big news. While yous're strolling through Instagram (shamelessly looking at baby shower ideas, strollers and tiny baby wearable), take a moment to admire that eye-shaped like in the corner. Considering mama-in-the-making, that'due south how big your infant is at five weeks, with actual specs at 0.05 inches and 0.04 ounces. Coincidentally, this is also when your baby's brain, spinal cord, blood vessels and actually heart are starting to develop!

Babe at half-dozen Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Hashtag

While the only type of social media you've considered posting lately is #MorningSicknessLastsAllDay, that baby you're growing is already becoming social-media-savvy. Though it might be a while earlier he steals your iPad or schools you on the latest app that all the toddlers are babbling about, right now, he'south the size of the hashtag you type on your phone. That means he'due south ⅛ of an inch long and nigh 0.04 ounces. If you want to tell him about what's trending on Twitter, get ahead, his ear canals are forming now and his heart is pumping blood and chirapsia at most 80 times a minute.


Baby at 7 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of the Tip Of Your Eyeliner Brush

Yep Mama, you lot did wake up like that: feeling a little nauseous and a little amazed past the size of your gals (did you know some women can go upwards a full cup size by week seven?! But as you go through your morning time routine earlier heading to work in your comfiest dress, glance at your eyeliner castor. That tip at the end (that y'all dip into your get-to shadow shade) is how big your growing girl is correct at present. At half an inch and 0.04 ounces, she's developing the kickoff of her arms, legs, face up, kidneys, mouth and tongue.

Baby at 8 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size Of an iPhone App Icon

We know your mode, Mamahoped-for: y'all're the first to inquiry the best pregnancy apps that all the celebs are using to track their babe. And you probably just *had* to add Pinterest and Houzz back to your most frequented apps because, hey, planning for baby's wardrobe and nursery is the only thing that takes your mind off morning time sickness. Adjacent fourth dimension you open upward Instagram, check out the size of the app icon: that's the size of your babe this calendar week! At 0.63 inches and 0.04 ounces, yous probably wish you could use your camera app to snap a photo of your growing embryo, which now is starting to develop an upper lip, hands, feet, olfactory organ and eyelids! Her duck face will make its debut soon enough.

Baby at ix Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Sushi Roll

It's ane of those deplorable, harsh truths about being a pregnant lady: no raw fish for you! Though you tin technically consume a roll if information technology's veggie or fully-cooked (hello, California coil)—many mamashoped-for tend to take a bit of a break from their fave Japanese takeout for a few months. But if your hubs is over there chowing down, go ahead and adore his dinner: i piece of that sushi roll is about the size of your baby, at 0.90 inch and 0.07 ounces. Y'all can now likely hear babe's heartbeat at your next ultrasound—#AboutFreakinTime!



Baby at x Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of a Mini Cocktail Sausage

Hey, if you're feeling a fiddling bloated (and noticing your veins are starting to show as you lot stretch out more), you may feel a little less sexy-mama-to-be and more, um, sausage-y. It's normal to experience tired and to take fourth dimension getting used to your changing trunk, but the next time y'all compare yourself to specials at your local butcher, consider this: at 10 weeks, your baby is the size of a mini cocktail sausage (ya know, the ones you become on a toothpick at parties?). He's too starting to develop his bones,cartilage and tooth buds every bit he continues to gain weight and grow, at one.22 inches and 0.14 ounces. He also develops his cervix, eyelids begin to close to protect his developing optics and his caput becomes rounder.

Baby at 11 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of a Ping Pong Ball

Gone are those late 3 a.m. nights at your local watering hole, playing beer pong with your then-swain, now-husband until it was time for concluding call. (These days you're, cough, lucky to make it through an episode ofGrey'south Anatomy on Netflix before passing out.) Even if you lot're not getting boozy like you did in college, y'all might be experiencing more gas and feeling the bloat, without the brewskies. But all those bodily changes are for skilful reason: baby is growing fast! At one.61 inches and 0.25 ounces, she's about the size of a ping-pong ball and can make facial expressions and grinning. She's starting to kick just yous won't feel it yet, and while sexual organs are forming, they won't yet exist distinguishable by ultrasound.

Baby at 12 Weeks


Your Babe is the Size of a Jelly Donut Hole

You're getting actually close to the end of your beginning trimester (cue the praise hands emoji!), and that means your bod is making moves, with your uterus moving upwards and out of the pelvis, settling in just above the pubic os. From here the uterus volition continue to expand into the abdomen. While this helps with those frequent bathroom trips in the heart of meetings during the 24-hour interval, information technology also may make you experience a little dizzy. And though it technically won't cure it, nosotros suggest eating something sweetness to upwards your blood sugar…like a donut. Or more than specifically: a jelly donut pigsty. Why? Considering at 12 weeks, that's the size of your niggling baby blistering at ii.thirteen inches and 0.49 ounces. He may want 1 of those treats, too, since now his digestive arrangement is starting to develop.


Baby at 13 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of a Mini Cactus

Congrats, information technology's the last week of your commencement trimester. Woohoo! To celebrate, give that mothering cistron some exercise by picking up another plant for your desk (or windowsill at home). Plants have been known to brighten your mood and produce more oxygen, both things you can e'er use more of. Brand certain to grab a mini cactus as a tribute to baby'south size, which is now effectually 2.91 inches and 0.81 ounces. Enquire Infant what you should telephone call your new establish friend, since this week, her vocal chords are developing and she might just answer (OK, she won't, simply yous can pretend!).

Baby at xiv Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of Bicycle Bell

Yous're in your second trimester at present and that means your babe is well-nigh to accept off on a growth spurt and y'all're about to experience a lot meliorate than y'all did in the first third of your pregnancy. You might even feel up to taking some bicycle laps around your local park or neighborhood with your hubby or bestie—and we totally approve of a 'Baby On Lath' sign for the front of your handbasket. You might not need a bell, depending on where you lot live, but if yous have one, admire information technology: that'southward the size of your piddling 1 this week. At 3.42 inches and ane.52 ounces, Baby tin can stand upright and is starting to sprout hair.

Infant at 15 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Mixed Tape

When you told your mom you lot were expecting, she may take offered you one of her old cassette tapes that she listened to when she was expecting you lot. Blame your pregnancy hormones (or how your beloved for your mom grows when you effigy out you're going to become one, too)—but you lot smiled and took it. While you likely demand to go to your local vintage or thrift shop to notice a cassette player, think well-nigh your prized Backstreet Boys tape back in the day: that'due south the size of your baby correct now! She'south nearly three.98 inches and 2.47 ounces, and growing more each day. And even better? She'due south getting closer to her Nirvana record cover appearance considering she'southward looking more like a baby these days.


Baby at 16 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of an É clair

Kickoff it was cupcakes, then specialty donuts then sundaes so massive you didn't know how you lot'd brand information technology through scoop ane. Decadent nutrient trends will always evolve (can you even imagine what Baby will Instagram one day?), fulfill your peckish for something super-sweet equally a tribute to his size: an éclair! No prob if you can't finish it, only while your optics may be bigger than your stomach sometimes, Baby'south 4.57 inches and three.53 ounces this week take helped him proceeds utilize of his eyes! Don't forget to tell him all about your trip to the bakery (and how many likes yous got from posting it on Instagram), because he tin can also hear you lot now—and brand sucking motions with his mouth!

Baby at 17 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of a Cute Vintage Wallet

Yous're inching closer to that halfway pregnancy mark and your oh-my-god-how-are-we-going-to-beget-this freak-outs might have begun. Equally you lot start to program your upkeep with baby in mind, consider your prized vintage wallet you bought while backpacking in Europe. That'south nigh how big baby is right now, at 5.12 inches and four.94 ounces. Go ahead and daydream most showing her the earth, peculiarly since those fingerprints are forming, meaning she tin can go a passport every bit soon equally she'south born!

Babe at 18 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Side of Guac

Let'south get 1 thing articulate: while you're not technically 'eating for two' every bit the onetime aphorism says, we are house believers in giving your body (and your infant!) what information technology wants. And if hubs's preference for Mexican is just making yous crave tequila, entice him to potable that entire bullpen of margaritas in your award (since you can't) while yous devour a side (or 3) of guac. Baby's nearly the size of your fave side dish, at five.59 inches and 6.seventy ounces. Just don't stay out too late, since baby is learning to yawn now—it's tiring work developing his senses!


Baby at xix Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Pint of Ice Cream

While every mama-in-the-making is different, you lot might start to feel infant'south offset kicks (that frankly, might feel a lot like gas and a little like butterflies) in the coming weeks. Why? Baby is starting to get a petty more coordinated equally he grows inside of yous, and these days, he'southward around 6.02 inches and 8.47 ounces. That's about the size of that pint of Ben & Jerry's that you down every other night because, #YOLO. (Though technically, y'all may exist pregnant once more, so save some of it for the side by side go-round.)

Babe at 20 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size Of A Girl'south Top Bun

You lot're already halfway through your pregnancy, and thankfully, yous probably really experience preggers now (and not just, um, bloated from eating i too many burritos). Your abdomen has likely popped a scrap, you're showing and you might exist reaping the benefits of some shinier, faster-growing nails and hair. But if those silky locks are growing too rapidly for you to keep up with styling (ugh, straightening takes forever, peculiarly with a belly), throw it up in a meridian bun, that's (surprise!) the size of your baby this week! That'southward correct, at 6.46 inches and 10.58 ounces, baby could fit on the top of your caput. Grab your ponytail holder and schedule your next ultrasound since now, you tin can probably find out if you're having a boy or a girl.

Baby at 21 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size Of a Bottle of Sriracha

Craving noodles tonight? Or maybe something savory and sweet that definitely doesn't go together, simply your 10.51 inch and 12.lxx ounces mini-me says information technology does? You might exist craving random foods like crazy and y'all may even accept a hankering for something spicy. Option upwards a bottle of the cult favorite—Sriracha—to fulfill those Netflix rampage munchies. Concord it close, since that's infant's size right now. Merely promise your infant loves spice as much as you exercise, since this week, his developing taste buds may allow him to taste the heat, too!


Infant at 22 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Kale Smoothie

If your daily morn walk or workout during pregnancy has gotten a petty more difficult lately, take a peek down at those feet of yours. Well, at least while you tin can, that is—yous're most to hitting the time when those Nike kicks won't be visible past your belly anymore. Your anxiety might also exist swelling as you selection your post-workout kale smoothie. But the expert news about your health obsession? That smoothie tin can requite you a glimpse into infant'due south size correct now: 10.94 inches and 15.17 ounces. When you retrieve you can't take some other pace, daydream nigh baby'south gorgeous face, which at present, has eyelashes and eyebrows!

Baby at 23 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Burrito With the Works

As #awesome and #lifechanging as growing a tiny man is, these days, between swelling, fatigue, forgetfulness (that Google Calendar doesn't always keep up its side of the bargain, eh?) and possible pare discoloration, yous might miss your pre-pregnancy days a chip. To make yourself experience better (at least for a hot infinitesimal, Mama), devour a burrito with all of the works (that your heartburn can handle) in honor of baby's large milestone: he weighs more than a pound! Aye, at 11.38 inches and 1.10 pounds, he'southward packing on the totally-healthy (and yes, #awesome) weight.

Babe at 24 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a French Printing

Of all the things you have to give up when you're pregnant (like white wine. Or red wine. Or any vino. Did we mention wine?!), one thing that luckily isn't a no-no is coffee—in moderation. And with those sometimes-restless nights where no position feels like the right one, you're thankful for that morning time brew. Requite that coffee an upgrade with a French printing this calendar week since that's what size she is right now: 11.81 inches and 1.32 pounds. Another cool feature you can talk about over breakfast with the hubs? Imagining what her sugariness face looks like, since at present, information technology'southward fully formed.


Baby at 25 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of Broad-Brimmed Fedora

Equally cute as your belly is (peculiarly in those blue jean overalls that are making a comeback), it doesn't always brand up for how sore your back is from carrying that extra weight. Take a load off and head to a (booze-gratuitous) brunch with the girls where you tin can talk well-nigh all those TMI-girly things that hubs stomachs merely doesn't actually enjoy hearing. To pair with your trendy outfit, grab a wide-brimmed Fedora lid (meaning you totes don't take to wash your hair!), which is about how big your babe is right now. At 12.fifty inches and ane.46 pounds, his nostrils are now open up.

Baby at 26 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of a Bottle of Fancy French Soda

Oui, oui! Is that an outie navel you see?! You're well-nigh two thirds of the way through your pregnancy (woah, Mama!), and you might outset noticing more stretch marks (damn) and more motility from babe (cool!). Though it's non okay to have a glass of vino, you lot can toast to getting through a big part of your pregnancy with a canteen of some sparkling h2o or fancy French soda. As you cheers with your friend or partner, pay special attention to that bottle, since your baby is nearly that size right at present: fourteen.02 inches and 1.68 pounds. Even cooler than that ice cold glass? Your babe'south eyes are starting to open now and the brain waves are starting to roll.

Baby at 27 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Terrarium

As you inch closer to that third trimester, you might feel that nesting mode coming in full force. Since your babe shower is probably happening soon and y'all've picked out swatches for the nursery, you might desire to consider adding even more life to the room for the new life yous're bringing into the world. Baby is about the size of a terrarium, at 14.41 inches and 1.93 pounds, and we bet she'd like the greenery in her first-ever room. You could ask her if you want, since she can probably recognize your vocalization by now, too! Just don't be disappointed if she responds with a hiccup.


Baby at 28 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of a Tagine

Time to postal service that #HomeStretch photo to Instagram and Facebook, Mama, you're in the third trimester now. While it might experience like your abdomen grows faster than ever in the coming weeks, take a nighttime out to celebrate how far you've come with some Moroccan food. Only don't forget to tell the hubs (and your best friends and everyone yous're connected to nigh) that baby is almost the size of that tagine on the table, at 14.80 inches and 2.22 pounds. We wouldn't be surprised if baby starts thinking about her own first trip to Due north Africa now.

Baby at 29 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Behemothic Assistant Split

You've long forgotten what your feet look like, but hey, that diner down the road knows you by name and there's always a seat for you lot when yous have an intense craving that just has to be filled right now. This week, opt for a behemothic assistant split up with all the fixings, which depending on the size of that potassium all-star, is the same size of your babe correct now. At 15.2 inches and two.54 pounds, it'll exist a baby-screams, you-screams for water ice cream kind of time. With a few extra kicks, since now, baby might be jamming your insides with his elbows and knees (and you lot'll experience them, since Baby'southward basic are fully developed, though even so soft and pliable). And so it begins, Mama…

Infant at 30 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Garden Gnome

If you decided to accept your shower at your place, yous might have asked your partner to update the landscaping before guests come. (Even if you can't, um, upkeep your own landscaping these days—and hey, it's OK to accept a wax if it matters to you.) While he's pulling on the yard work gear and heading to the backyard, suggest he pick up a garden gnome for Babe, since that's about how big she is these days. At xv.71 inches and two.91 pounds, she's continuing to grow, gain weight, develop claret cells and coolest of all, her encephalon is developing rapidly.


Baby at 31 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Large Moving picture Popcorn

Remember those insane videos about birth you had to watch in sex ed in high school? Or in college anatomy? We hate to break it to yous, but they're even scarier when y'all're about to actually practice that. But if yous're going to lookout man them, you might besides have reinforcements, or in other words, a large movie popcorn that's about the size of your own little villain this calendar week. At xvi.18 inches and three.31 pounds, Infant may take a snooze and suck his thumb while you tune into what'due south happening in a few weeks. (And FYI, at the climax of the motion picture, it'south okay if yous pee yourself. You're having a babe. You lot have an excuse.)

Baby at 32 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of a Bento Box

Repast prepping when you're 32-weeks pregnant is about as laughable as those skinny jeans yous wore pre-pregnancy. That'due south why the invention of the bento box for lunch is not only a financial bargain but a top-pick for preggos. When you nosh on your third quirky lunch box this week, consider the size of it. Babe is about that big right now, at sixteen.69 inches and 3.75 pounds. He'due south also practicing his sleep cycles, and your doctor may want to check which direction his head is pointed to prep for birth.

Babe at 33 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Pocket-size Chihuahua

Your furbaby will e'er exist your kickoff infant, and while you might spend more time cuddling now than e'er before, one time your man arrives, your furry friend might non become as much attention. They'll forgive you for information technology (probably) but just make sure to retrieve nearly how big your pet is in comparison to how small baby is. Unless y'all accept a minor chihuahua, your cat or dog is probably bigger. This week, Infant is about 17.20 inches and four.23 pounds, and her immune system is beginning to develop.


Baby at 34 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size Of Mid-Century Mod Hanging Lamp

Having a hard time coming by some close-middle, mama? With a heavy belly, tired back and a trunk pillow that only helps you lot fall asleep a smidge of the time, you might be watching Netflix re-runs more than frequently than you'd care to admit to your co-workers. If your few dreams are of mid-century modern homes worthy ofMad Men, think almost the lamps you see hanging there. That'due south virtually how large baby is this week at 17.72 inches and 4.73 pounds. And cool fact? Baby is now growing some fingernails!

Babe at 35 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Picnic Basket

It'south no picnic being pregnant at 35 weeks: you might exist running to the ladies room every chance you get and sleep might be something of the past. But the good news? Baby is gaining weight fast and frequently, as she prepares for her grand entrance. While you articulate through everything y'all own in total nesting mode (don't forget to share that nursery on Instagram!), have a look at the picnic basket in the back of your cupboard, since that'south how big your baby is this week, at eighteen.19 inches and five.25 pounds.

Babe at 36 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size Of a Throw Pillow

If your BF idea throw pillows for you king-sized bed were unnecessary when you moved in together, chances are, he'll likewise think they're kind of silly for the rocker in your plant nursery. But hey, those Etsy finds were totally worth the two hour search when you couldn't slumber at 3 a.m., cheers to your kicking baby, right? Throw the pillow his way as you tell him that'southward the size of your babe this calendar week at xviii.66 inches and 5.78 pounds. Baby'due south bones are continuing to strengthen now (and will go stronger during the first years of his life), and he's getting more than ready for his trip down the canal. Don't be alarmed by those increasing Braxton Hicks contractions, which you may be experiencing from now until it's fourth dimension for the existent deal.


Babe at 37 Weeks


Baby is the Size of a Lightweight Kettlebell

You lot tin remember information technology right, Mama? Those Sundays when you'd wake up late, caput to the gym for some cardio and weight preparation, then grab a boozy brunch with the girls before settling into bed with your main guy, relaxing until y'all had to survive another example of the Mondays? Your life is getting ready to change (in an awesome way, we promise!), just you might feel like that baby growing inside of you is getting heavier—say like a kettlebell?—by the day. You're right, she'south well-nigh 19.13 inches and 6.30 pounds now, just like that kettlebell you used for arm reps pre-pregnancy. She might exist working on her own do routine, with more kicks and movement as she preps for birth. Consider it her warm up.

Baby at 38 Weeks


Your Infant is the Size of a Toolbox

You've always been #contained and mayhap a niggling handy, stubbornly fixing everything in your apartment that you could before asking for help. These days though, it may pain you lot to enquire for aid for the littlest of things (like um, getting out of bed) from your partner. Just don't forget that your trunk is prepping for the tools it needs for nascence coming up before long, which is why it makes sense that your baby is about the size of a toolbox this calendar week, at 19.61 inches and 6.fourscore pounds.

Babe at 39 Weeks


Your Babe is the Size of a Beach Ball

We know, nosotros know, you're fix to get this baby out of you… similar at present. You lot're uncomfortable, you're hormonal and the very thought of some other calendar week may make you want to get to bed, stat. Dream of a nice mean solar day on the embankment (with a margarita or 2 in your hands) to get through these last 2 weeks, Mama. Especially since you experience similar y'all have a beach ball in your belly, and you do, since that's the size of your babe this week at 19.96 inches and 7.25 pounds.


Baby at 40 Weeks


Your Baby is the Size of a Gallon of Almond Milk

You made information technology! You grew a baby! Can you believe it? Nosotros know you can, since you're feeling information technology and you're more than than ready for that babe to go out of your body already, please-and-thank-you. Enjoy some coffee (though still only a 12-ounce loving cup or less) before you might have to terminate drinking or eating anything when you lot go into labor (depending on hospital policy), but don't forget the almond milk. Information technology'southward a nice dairy-free culling if regular milk gives you lot stomach issues, and a gallon of this healthy supplement is the size of your fully-grown newborn, at xx.sixteen to 21 inches and 7.63 to nine pounds. Whoa, Mama. You lot're a rock star!

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Source: https://www.parents.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/baby-size-by-week-not-fruit/

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